TheBackstage - Social App

Mobile App
TheBackstage - Social App

The Backstage

TheBackstage mobile application is an innovative social platform for influencers to create content and connect with their fans. The app provides influencers with a unique way to engage with their fans and monetize their content. In this case study, we explore the user interface and user experience design process for TheBackstage mobile application. We will examine the user research, design process, and implementation of the app. Additionally, we will analyze the user feedback and discuss lessons learned from the project. By understanding the design process of TheBackstage mobile application, we can gain insight into the user experience design process of social media apps.

The goal

The goal of TheBackstage mobile application was to create an engaging social platform for influencers to create content and monetize their fan base. The app was designed to provide influencers with an easy way to connect with their fans and create content that their fans would enjoy. Additionally, the app allowed influencers to monetize their content by selling subscriptions to their fans. By giving influencers a platform to connect with their fans and monetize their content, TheBackstage mobile application allowed influencers to make a living off of their content. Ultimately, the goal of TheBackstage mobile application was to empower influencers to make a living off of their content.

My role

I was responsible for the user interface and user experience design. I conducted user research to gain insights on the needs and preferences of influencers and fans. From the research, I was able to develop personas and user stories to inform the design process. I then created wireframes and mockups to illustrate the app’s features and user flow. After conducting usability testing, I made adjustments to the design to improve the user experience. Finally, I worked closely with the development team to ensure the design was implemented correctly. Overall, I was responsible for the entire design process, from research to implementation.

Design Process

In this project, Design Thinking methodology was applied to develop TheBackstage mobile application. Design Thinking is a human-centered approach to problem solving that focuses on understanding user needs, exploring solutions, and creating prototypes. I used Design Thinking to understand the needs of influencers and fans, explore solutions to meet those needs, and create prototypes of the app. I conducted user research to gain insights on the needs and preferences of influencers and fans. From the research, I was able to develop personas and user stories to inform the design process. I then created wireframes and mockups to illustrate the app’s features and user flow. By applying Design Thinking methodology, I was able to create an app that met the needs of influencers and fans.


Many similar applications lack features that allow influencers to monetize their content. Additionally, these applications have limited user engagement tools. TheBackstage mobile application was designed to address these issues by providing influencers with an easy way to connect with their fans. The app also provides powerful user engagement tools such as push notifications, direct messaging, and the ability to sell subscriptions. By providing these features, TheBackstage mobile application provides influencers with unique opportunities to engage with their fans.